October is Blindness Awareness Month
October is Blindness Awareness Month.

There is an estimated 285 million people visually impaired worldwide, with over 7 million within the United States. North Carolina ranks #6 out of the 50 states, for the largest visually impaired population.
Signs Designed of Charlotte specializes in ADA compliant signs. ADA refers to "The Americans with Disabilities Act" which regulates accessibility; and includes requirements for signage that is conveniently located and easy to read both visually and through tactile touch in the form of braille and/or raised lettering.
In general, almost every sign that would be considered an "architectural" sign must comply with one or another of the ADA Guidelines. If a sign identifies a permanent room or space of a facility (including exits), directs or informs about functional spaces of the facility, or identifies, directs to, or informs about accessible features of the facility, it must comply.
Visit our website at www.signsdesignedofcharlotte.com to check out some of our past ADA sign projects, or request a quote.